Government of South Australia – JOBEX
Implementation of a new event JOBEX, held in Adelaide and reinstalled at two regional events. High end gloss finishes and portable structures, crates and logistics management across all three events.
July 2017 – December 2017 items are kept in storage to use at future events
JOBEX was hosted by The Government of South Australia, Department of the Premier and Cabinet at the Adelaide Convention Centre on the 10th – 11th of November 2017. The event was created to showcase employment opportunities and developing industries within South Australia. There was a strong focus on educating the next generation of employees where growth opportunities in South Australia would occur.
The displays were produced to a high standard to showcase a quality event for Adelaide and for the successive roadshow. The designs were constructed for durability and longevity so they could also be reused at subsequent events. They were modular for ease of transportation and handling.
AEH achieved great results for our client and visitors that attended. The sheer volume of work from concept to delivery in the 16 week period made this event a unique and huge accomplishment for our team. We created an engaging experience for exhibitors and visitors alike. Feedback from our client shows that we provided outstanding service and not only met, but exceeded their expectations.
Through our hard work and successful project management this event was delivered on time, within budget and most importantly created high impact on growth industries in South Australia.
This event achieved finalist status at the EEAA Industry Awards for Best Supplier Team – Event.